
An orientation class on C is being conducted on Tuesday  at college auditorium at 4 pm . It’s a joined venture by IEEE & FOCES .

Venue – Auditorium

Time    – 4:00 pm Tuesday ( 1-02-2011)


Followed by a hands on workshop conducted by FOCES from Wednesday to Friday in College Computer labs.

The classes are aimed at first years to help them get acquainted with C as apart of their academic curriculum. But other interested students may also join in.

NB: There are only limited entries available in the workshop  so interested students please register their names with the FOCES representatives of their respective classes prior to the workshop

Venue ( for Workshop) : Computer lab

Time                                   : 4:00 – 6:00  (from  Wednesday to Friday)


Does trivia keeps you awake all night?
Do you feel fascinated by facts and figures?
Do you think you know more than the guy standing next to you?
Are you aware about what is happening around you?
Do you have the nerve to face an unfamiliar situation?

If your answer is YES, have no second thoughts…


Why waste your gyan this month?


An inter collegiate quiz for under graduates across Kerala in the soil of CEC. Come september 24th and you will have a mouth watering contest where the best minds of kerala will battle it out for the top honours.


So we expect ‘U’ to be there on the battle ground 😀

** The prizes part depends on your knowledge, but nobody is stopping you from running 😀

Visit  www.cecgnosis.com

Time     : 11 am – 4 pm
venue  :  CEC

For most people who use email it is clear that even the spam filters are not enough to ensure that you get the most relevant email. GMail’s spam filter works very well, perhaps better than any other, however that won’t stop your important email  from getting lost amongst tons of newsletters, updates and offers which you yourself subscribed to.

Ever faced this scenario? You check your inbox, only to find dozens of unread emails. You scan through them and decide to archive them all rather than read them. Unfortunately, in the process you archive a rather important email.

GMail’s new “Priority Inbox” aims to tackle that problem. GMail will learn over time which emails you open, read and reply to, and accordingly automatically sort your email to display relevant, important emails first. Email is then put into different sections, important unread email, starred email and everything else after that — these sections can be customized.Just like GMail’s spam system, this too can be trained over time, by marking an email as less or more important.

This reminds us of Mozilla Messaging’s Raindrop project which had a similar noble goal. While GMail will obviously provide these features in their web interface, Mozilla Messaging’s Raindrop is a mail client application — although it runs its own server and has to be accessed via a browser — which can aggregate details from multiple social networks to figure out which email is more important to you.

This feature will be rolled out over a week for both GMail and Google Apps mail users, so keep an eye out. You can try “Priority Inbox” by visiting it’s new home at Google.

Check out Google’s video explaining their newest feature:

– Courtesy Thinkdigit.com

As of 25 August, 2010, you can call landline phones or mobile phones from Gmail. All you need to do is ensure that the application that enables you to call is installed, and dial the number!


  1. Open your Gmail account.
  2. Go to “Chat”. Look for the tab that says “Call phone”. There will be a green phone symbol located next to this line.

    This  image shows you the location of the application

    This image shows you the location of the application

    • You will need to have installed and activated the voice and video plug-in if you haven’t already done so.
    • If you don’t see this “call phone” line near chat it may be because Google has not yet enabled your Gmail account for this service. They began rolling this out on August 25, 2010 and will require at least several days to activate all accounts.
  3. Click on the “Call phone” tab. A box will appear, telling you about the service.
    • The box explains what the service is, that US/Canada calls are free in 2010, and that emergency calls cannot be made via Google Voice.

  4. Click “Accept” once you have read the box. This means that you’re acknowledging that you understand and agree to Google’s terms of use.
  5. Look for the call box on the page.

    • Enter either a phone number or the name of a contact. Use the dial pad to enter numbers, or just type in a name.
    • If you make a mistake when entering a number on the dial pad, just use the delete button of your keyboard.
  6. Press the blue “Call” button at the base of the dial box and your call will start dialing. Have a conversation from your computer with someone on their phone, wherever they may be!


  • Calls to the US and Canada are free in 2010. International calls are billed at our insanely low rates.
  • Click on the flag icon to open a drop-down menu that displays all the country dial codes.

  • Click on the money amount to reveal a drop-down menu for history details, rates information, and the ability to add credit.

  • The clock icon represents “call history”.


  • If this call application isn’t on your computer yet, you may need to wait. Alternately, it will mean that you need to download the voice and video plug-in if you haven’t already enabled this.
  • Google Voice is an enhanced call management application and is not capable of placing and receiving emergency service calls. Read the complete Terms of Service.

Things You’ll Need

  • Gmail, enabled with voice and video plug-in and having the calling application enabled.

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

While Google has been working towards perfecting visual search for a while now (note the similar images option in image search), it is reportedly in the final stages of acquiring an e-commerce firm called Like.com that specializes in the technology, for approximately $100 million.

Munjal Shah, the CEO and co-founder of Like.com, declined to comment on the matter. Like.com has received large investments in the past from numerous venture capital firms, and made its name in the industry with its novel approach to online apparel shopping, using visual search and adaptive technology to help its customers find suitable fashion purchases. If the reports turn out to be true, look forward to better search (and better mobile search) from the search giant, affecting relevancy more beyond the image result level.

Courtesy –


Is Windows the sole focus of the malicious hackers because it is the most popular operating system of the world, or the most insecure? There may be debates about it; but it is undeniable that other platforms are starting to get a fair share of malware as well.

Just a few days have passed since Google announced that there are 200,000 Android devices getting activated each day. This is remarkable progress in the mobile platform business, no doubt. While Google is rejoicing, Kaspersky lab revealed a report announcing Android is vulnerable to an SMS trojan.

The trojan in question has been identified as “Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a” by Kaspersky lab. The trojan sneaks into the system as the user installs the vector .APK file which pretends to be a media player app and has a bulk of approximately 13KB. The malware then starts its operation by sending out SMSes to premium numbers, cutting holes in the pockets of the device owner.

It is not the first time that Android has fallen victim to malware; there has been news of Android malware since late 2009. SMS malwares are the most widespread form of mobile exploiting.

It seems that Android has started to become popular enough to attract malware authors. Hopefully Google will be able to keep its platform up to date in countering such threats as they emerge.

Courtesy –


Java Workshop

The Java 4 day class cum workshop is being held in computer lab 3 from 2-8-2010 to 5-8-2010 by FOCES faculty. Even though it was aimed at the second year students a lot of senior students also attended the ongoing java familiarization class.

Related Images :

PHP Workshop

The much awaited Foces workshop cum training on PHP was well attended by students from all classes and took place at Computer lab 3 on 19th July. The event gained eyeballs of many students as participants exceeded the expected number of students. The whole program will extend upto 4 days and is aimed at enhancing the technological knowledge of students.

A talk by  Prof.(Dr.) V.P. Devassia  on “How to prepare for a seminar” for 4th year students was conducted on 15th July 2010 which answered many curious questions It was basically meant for final years , but surprisingly many juniors also turned up !

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